Save Money, Go Virtual

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So you’re in the market for an assistant, but you can’t decide whether to hire a permanent, in-house employee or outsource to virtual assistance company? What if we told you that it will cost you 137% more to employ a PA in UK compared to the cost of hiring an Outsourcery assistant? Plus, Outsourcery saves you time by handpicking only the very best assistants so that when you sign up you know it’s not only much cheaper, but also completely reliable.


We’ve done some research in to the breakdown of costs so you can really understand where you’ll be saving and exactly how much:


According to Devilliers Surveyors, renting office space in the UK costs an average £4,638 per person a year. Outsourcery has its own offices in Cape Town, where all of our PAs are based, with an in-house support team on site to make sure the virtual side of things keeps on running smoothly. The extra cost to you? Zero.


Then there’s the salary. An average annual salary for a UK personal assistant is currently £24,731 (according to PayScale), add in the obligatory employer’s national insurance contributions of £2,333 and you’re up to a whopping £27,064.


There’s the administration costs too, such as software licences, HR and office supplies. Even if you’re especially tight on highlighters and tea bags, all the extras add up to around £1,300 a month. So all in all, you end up paying £33,002 per annum. Even our top range, enterprise plan for up to 80 hours of dedicated, professional assistance a month works out at just £10,140 annually, whilst our starter package is £1,620 a year (£135 a month). Admittedly 80 hours is less than a permanent in-house employee would work, based on an 8 hour day, but of those 8 hours only 6.75 are actually productive. So you end up paying for at least 1.25 hours a day for an employee to make coffee, scroll through Facebook and stand around chatting in the kitchen.


Factor in an average of 7 sick days a year, 5 days for training and 28 days of holiday including public holidays and you’re only looking at only 221 days that your average in-house personal assistant is actually working. Of course, assistants at Outsourcery also get holiday and take sickness leave occasionally, but when they do you’re never left stranded as we have a whole team of exceptionally talented assistants to seamlessly take over the work. Better still, we train all of our assistants in house and supply them with detailed client profiles so they’re prepped and ready to go as soon as you sign up.
If you’re feeling dazzled by numbers, why not give it a try first hand? We offer all new clients a complimentary trial of 5 hours so that you can experience the wonders of first-class virtual assistance for yourself. Then when you’re ready to go, our packages are fully flexible so you only have to pay for what you need. Welcome to the modern world of business.


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