Quick Tips on How to Content Batch Like a Pro

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Success requires structure and as the old saying goes “consistency is key!” This couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to your content. Consistent, shareable content is what keeps your customers engaged and helps to make those conversions. So, what’s the secret to consistent content? Content batching like a pro! 


Content batching is when you create all your copy and visual content ahead of time and it’s effective because of the following: 

  • Saves time and avoids stress 
  • Helps to keep you organised and on schedule. 
  • Keeps your algorithm strong with consistent posting. 
  • Repurposes content across all social channels. 
  • It helps keep you productive. 
  • Allows you to focus your creative energy at one time. 


So instead of fumbling around for content to post at the last minute, follow these quick tips on how to content batch like a pro.


Social media isn’t strong without a pillar.

First, define your content pillars. Content pillars are topics that you create content for and are usually made up of 3-5 different pillars. 


It is important to identify these pillars to create a cohesive message throughout all your channels and know how and which audience you are talking to. 



Analyse what is working  

Don’t waste time on content that your audience isn’t interested in. Take a peek at your analytics before you start to batch your content and see what is working and what isn’t. 


Your analytics will give you great insight into the type of posts that were the most engaged, with optimal posting times, when your audience is online and which call-to-actions encouraged the user to act. 


Measuring your social media success will give you a good idea of what high performing content to use in your next content batch as well as what you can reuse and repurpose. It also saves time and lets you create content for the best conversions. 

Conceptualise innovative ideas 

Now you know what’s working let the real, creative fun begin! Take your content pillars and analytics and start brainstorming to conceptualise some new and exciting ideas to keep your content fresh and interesting. 




Ask yourself how you create better content than what’s already out there? Conceptualising unique ideas helps you become an industry leader and someone your competition will be looking to for inspiration. 


Here are some ideas you can start creating new content around: 

  • Industry trends and news 
  • New product launches and images. 
  • Educating your audience about your brand. 
  • Keeping an eye on the competition to see what’s working for them. 
  • User-generated content. 


Top tip: Create a running sheet that you can put your ideas and inspiration into whenever the need arises. See a stimulating article? Add it to your sheet. This is helpful to refer to when conceptualising innovative ideas instead of trying to come up with them on the spot. 

Set a goal for your channels 

Think about exactly what you want to achieve. How many times a week do you want to post per platform? Which platforms are your content pillars suited to? An asset management company probably doesn’t need to spend too much time on Instagram, for example. 




How do you draw the line between being engaging and annoying? To set yourself a goal, here are some insights on how often you should be posting to social media: 

  • Facebook: Once a day with a minimum of three times a week. 
  • Instagram: Once a day. 
  • LinkedIn: Once a day, Monday to Friday. 
  • Twitter: 3 to 5 times per day. 
  • TikTok: 3 times per day. 
  • Pinterest: 3 to 5 pins per day. 
  • YouTube: Once a week. 


Remember, these are just guidelines for the optimal frequency to post across the channels. Our best advice? See what works for your audience and don’t critique yourself too harshly on what others are doing. It’s better to post quality over quantity. 

Create your content calendar 

You can now start planning your content calendar! Firstly, follow a structured format. There are many online templates you can use to get you on the right track. 


Create a calendar that includes a mixture of the following content: 

  • Promotional content: What your brand offers. 
  • Brand connection: Behind the scenes, employee features. 
  • Entertaining: Questions, polls, interactive content. 
  • Educational: Product demonstrations. 
  • Engaging: Sneak peeks, swipe for more information. 




A mixture of this content will create value for your audience and make them want to engage with your posts. 


Top tip: Look at the retail calendars for important dates that could be relevant to your business to see if you can create a campaign around them. 

Plan your copy  

Planning your copy is probably the most time-consuming task of all. It’s so easy to get a writer’s block, figuring out what to say, and before you know it all your creative energy has left the building. 


Plan your captions as long in advance as possible so you can have peace of mind knowing that they are completed and that your brand voice remains consistent. 




Here are our top tips for writing good copy. 

  • Capture attention in your first line to make the audience stop scrolling. 
  • Make sure your caption has breaks and paragraphs. 
  • Use emojis to convey emotion and personality. 78% of people say that using emojis makes you more likeable. 
  • Use hashtags. 
  • Reformat your copy slightly to be right for each platform. For example, Twitter uses fewer characters and using more hashtags on Instagram allows for your posts to be seen by a potential new audience. 
  • End with a strong CTA (call-to-action). That’s why you’re creating this post after all, right? Strong CTA’s increase engagement and drive traffic. 


Top tip: Consider hiring an outsourced copywriter to help you with this seemingly daunting task. They could breathe new life into your content batch and spark some new ideas. 

Put your visuals together 

You’ve become a budding wordsmith with your copy, now it’s time to match your visual content to it. 


Consider a mixture of visual language. Use video, static images and carousels to make sure you are engaging all aspects of your audience. 


Don’t rule out user-generated content either! This can add authenticity to your brand, make you more relatable to your audience and build trusting relationships within your community. 


Need to create your content? Look at our blog on how to set up a home studio on a budget to create epic content. 

Voilà! It’s time to schedule  

Now that the groundwork is complete, it’s finally time to schedule your phenomenal content. Scheduling helps you stay organised and ahead of the game. You can use scheduling tools to help you do so. Some of our favourites include: 



Remember to look at optimal posting times for each platform so you know exactly what time of day you’ll be engaging your audience. 




Now that you’re fully equipped to content batch like a pro, we thought we would end off this blog with a few more top tips. 

  • Block time in your calendar to do your content batching so that you’re never behind. 
  • Split up the steps to allow yourself breaks for creativity. 
  • If you’re a beginner content batcher, start with a small amount until you feel confident doing bigger chunks. 


After you’re finished with your content batching, sit back, relax and watch your engagement soar! 


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