We are very proud to have the interview with Outsourcery Founder Henry Walton to be published on Thegoodwebguide.co.uk!
‘Outsourcery provides a Virtual Personal assistant at a fraction of the cost of an in-house PA. Their PAs undergo a full vetting process ensuring the highest quality. Outsourcery Personal Assistants are full-time employees, this way you don’t experience some of the disadvantages associated with freelancers, especially when it comes to confidentiality, trust and future availability. We talk to founder Henry Walton to find out more…
The biggest challenge is… Our clients are all extremely busy and successful people who want the very best people around them. Hiring and retaining amazing people is a real challenge. However I think we have mastered this now!
The average day is spent… Phoning new clients, talking to partners, reviewing marketing channels, asking for favours, returning favours, networking, networking and more networking. Trying to find 20 minutes each day to stop and think about the bigger picture!
The team consists of… Myself (Biz dev, strategy, CFO, Tea maker and everything else leftover); Meg (HR and customer satisfaction); Vash (IT support) and 15 amazing personal assistants who provide our clients with great service every single day.
My favourite quote… “I don’t have a problem with delegation. I love to delegate. I am either lazy enough, or busy enough, or trusting enough, or congenial enough, that the notion of leaving tasks in someone else’s lap doesn’t just sound wise to me, it sounds attractive.”
I am where I am today because of… My father.
I am who I am because of… My wife.
The best advice I’ve been given… Hire fewer people but pay them more.
In five years I’d like to be… Running the market leader in virtual professional services to UK SME’s.
The thing no one ever tells you about running your own business online… Odd things still happen! My UK skype number recently showed up as coming from Egypt when calling a very important client. Technology still has a long way to go.
Our biggest mistake and what it taught us… Even if we are desperate don’t take on people who are not up to our standards. It’s better to tell a client to wait than it is to give them someone who is not perfect.
The most rewarding experience we’ve had to date… Forming partnerships with some of the UK’s most interesting brands including UBER, Pronto, World First and Hussle.’