Reasons why entrepreneurs should read more and what books to choose

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Some of the most famous entrepreneurs – the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, for example – have praised reading as a key part of their success.

In fact, it’s been reported that 88% of the world’s most wealthy people devote at least 30 minutes per day to reading. Furthermore, reading can help reduce mental decline by 32%, increase emotional intelligence and, as a result, your career prospects.

The fact is, reading makes us smarter. It also allows us to learn from others’ mistakes and gain inspiration from those who came before us.

Getting into the routine of reading can be difficult, especially when you’re a busy entrepreneur. We’re hoping that these reasons will motivate you to read more.

Reason #1: Reading helps you find answers

As an entrepreneur, have you ever encountered a business problem or challenge that has left you totally stumped? The chances are that other entrepreneurs, just like you, have faced similar circumstances.

One of the great benefits of reading – especially business-related books – is that it helps you to find creative and innovative solutions to your challenges before they become a real problem within your business.

A great problem-solving book to sink your teeth into is Cracked it! How to Solve Big Problems and Sell Solutions Like Top Strategy Consultants by Bernard Garrette, Corey Phelps, and Olivier Sibony.

Reason #2: Reading helps you make better decisions

Self-help books written by top leaders aren’t the only books entrepreneurs should read. Sitting down with a good fictional tale can stretch your imagination and inspire creativity.

In a recent study, it was found that reading as little as 10 pages per day of literary fiction can help you make better decisions.

The more you read – fiction or non-fiction – the more you learn. And the more you learn, the more informed your decisions will be.

A great piece of fiction that you can get started with is The Radical Leap by Steve Farber.

Reason #3: Reading gives your brain a mental workout

Just like staying physically healthy and active is important, the same is true for your brain. Reading helps to keep your brain active by developing cognitive skills like good memory, strategic thinking, and verbal intelligence.

These skills are essential for entrepreneurs to stay sharp and operate at peak performance.

A great read to get those muscles flexing is The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

Reason #4: Reading helps you get creative and innovative

Whether you’re naturally inclined to creativity or not, every entrepreneur needs to be able to think creatively. Creative thinking can help you solve problems, make better decisions, and develop innovative new product offerings.

Reading stimulates the creative part of your brain, regardless of what you’re reading. It helps boost your imagination and, in turn, gets all your creative juices flowing.

A fantastic book to spark your creativity is Creative Acts for Curious People: How to Think, Create, and Lead in Unconventional Ways by Sarah Stein Greenberg.

Carving out time in your day to read may seem impossible; you’re a busy entrepreneur, after all. However, the benefits of reading are far-reaching, and it can help you become better at business and life. Keep an eye on our blog for more top tips for entrepreneurs.

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