Brilliant Content Ideas In 2022

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Whether it be social media content, blogs, eBooks, or emails – content is king. Did you know that 70% of people would rather learn about a company through an article or a blog post rather than from an advertisement? That means that your target audience would prefer to discover your business through great content rather than other means like paid advertising. So, if you’re not producing brilliant content for social media to market your company in 2022, you’re missing out on a massive chunk of people to market to.

It’s been a long 2021, and it’s this time of the year where our creativity starts to run thin and excellent ideas are sparce. That’s why we’ve put together some epic content ideas for you to start working on for 2022.

Let’s get started!





Content ideas


Social media is an excellent way to generate awareness for your brand. Interestingly, 73% of consumers are impacted by a brand’s social media presence when making a purchasing decision, and 32% of consumers check out a brand’s social media presence before checking their website. So, if you’re not using social media as a channel to distribute content, it’s time to start. Here are our top content ideas for social media for 2022.


New year, new you, and new social media


The new year is an excellent time to re-introduce your brand to social media users and remind them how you started. Share posts that remind your audience about who you are.


People behind the brand provides authentic content


  • People relate to other people. Good content shows the human side of your brand and provides authenticity. Try sharing a personal story.
  • Sharing behind-the-scenes (BTS) content is another powerful way to display the human element of your brand.






Promotional content


Of course, you want to tell people about your products or services regularly. But be careful not to be too ‘salesy’ and overly promotional on social media. Users will quickly lose interest if all you do is sell.


Get a little silly


Share a joke or meme to tickle the funny bone. Even better, if you can relate the joke or meme to your brand, you create an opportunity to educate your audience about your products or services.


Inspire and drive engagement on social media


  • Sharing quotes is a fantastic way to inspire your audience, encourage engagement, and showcase the things your brand believes in.
  • Tutorials, how-tos, tips, and masterclasses are highly effective types of content. They’re engaging and people love learning new things, getting inspired, and interacting with a brand that is willing to provide them with value. This is the kind of thing that goes viral.
  • If you’re looking to drive engagement on your social media channels, asking users questions is a powerful content idea to get people to interact with your brand. Better yet, you can use questions and polls to gain insight into what your audience cares about and their preferences.




Content ideas for your blog


Blogging is an effective and proven way to improve your organic SEO rankings. It’s also a great way to nurture your audience and keep them interested in your brand. 71% of a B2B respondent pool said they would review a blog while on their buying journey.

Here are some ideas for good blog content you can try out.


Content should provide value


Share tips and tutorials. Your aim with blog posts should be to provide value before extracting it. A great way to provide value is to write about things that will help people improve their lives or their businesses.


Tell a story


Every business has an interesting story behind it. And we’re pretty sure you have some interesting people behind your brand too. Write a blog post that tells your brand’s backstory or introduce members of your team through staff profiles.






Explore what you sell on social media


Share what inspired you to create your product or service. Delve deep into the pain points your product or service aims to solve and use real-life examples to put this into context for readers.

Establish yourself as an authority

Write a blog post that shares interesting and useful data about the industry you operate in. This is particularly useful in a B2B context where you would need to establish yourself as an authority in your industry.


Other content ideas


Other than having a blog and posting to social media, there are many other ways you can incorporate great content in your social media marketing strategy.


Case studies


Case studies or use cases are an impactful way to show potential clients how your products or services provide value. A well-written case study presents the problem the client had when they came to you and what you did to solve the problem for them. It’s also a useful way to provide more information on what you’re selling and put it into a context that people can relate to.






A resource hub


Another content idea for your website is to create a resource hub where you share things like product specifications, size guides, or ingredients.


eBooks and lead magnets


Downloadable content that users can get their hands on by providing you with their contact details is an effective way to build a database and get leads. It’s an additional way that you can provide value to your clients.

2022 is just around the corner – it’s time to start planning all the awesome content you’re going to be publishing to take your brand to the next level. We hope these content ideas gave you some inspiration and got those creative juices flowing again. If you need any assistance in creating brilliant content, we’ve got you! Contact us here.

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