Five Insider Tips For Finding The Best Influencers 

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As such, most businesses understand, by now, that social media is quickly becoming the best way to reach potential clients and tap into previously unknown markets.

The stats, as generated by Statistica, support the findings as follows.

Did you know that:


Of course, as a business owner, you want to use this magnificent platform for marketing your products and services, but you can’t seem to find the right influencers. But, fear not, as we have five insider tips for finding the best influencers for your business right here.

And no, it isn’t about paying exorbitant amounts for a single post or story by an influencer who has over 200 000 followers. Instead, these tips will not only help you find the best influencer for your brand but also assist you in forming a repertoire with the person and creating a lasting, meaningful business relationship.

So, let’s jump right in!


Tip 1: Your influencers should be people who are already talking about your brand


We get it, you’re new to the space, and you have just a handful of followers. However, it will be in your best interests to look through your follower list and select engaging, dynamic individuals entering the influencer space and are either already using your products or services, or supporting similar businesses.




Like that, the person you’re considering promoting your brand already has an idea of what your products or services can do, and have friends and followers with much the same interests.


Tip 2: Consider the smaller influencers

Fact: Smaller influencers, 1 000 to 20 000 followers, have more significant engagement numbers than influencers with followers ranging from 20 000 to 100 000.

Smaller influencers, among other things, try harder, do more, and tend to take on brands that they believe in, and at the same time, grow their profiles while paying attention to increasing yours.

Once an influencer passes that elusive 20 000 follower mark, the interaction with fans and followers begin to slow down, with promotional posts taking priority over belief.




At the same time, smaller influencers are open to suggestions, negotiations, and even communication that you won’t find with the more prominent profiles.

By beginning your influencer search with the smaller profiles, you gain brand loyalty and create a positive relationship that will still shine as the influencer (and your business) grows to greater heights. Following your first successful campaign with that influencer will be in your favour for the same person to promote your business later.


Tip 3: Brand belief versus brand promotion 


Yes, brand belief is very different from brand promotion.

Brand promotion is when an influencer simply pops your business and product onto a post with a corporate feel to it, and in many cases, this method lacks personality.




By choosing an influencer who believes in your brand, you stand a chance of getting promotional content that comes across as an organic post with the influencer’s personality all over it. For example, you’ll find a mother gushing over the softness of your woolly blanket, finding more uses than you’ve suggested, all through the influencer’s genuine love of your product. Beyond keeping her little bundle of joy warm, that blanket is also the perfect bottle warmer. A single statement like that will open your brand to a whole new target market if you’re willing to pay attention to those who believe in your brand.


Tip 4: Products and payment 


At the beginning of this blog post, we mentioned that you shouldn’t pay exorbitant amounts for a single post, and that remains true.

With Instagram constantly changing its algorithm, posts can be missed or hidden, especially with influencers with massive followings. You should negotiate for a range of posts, along with a reel and a story per campaign, spread out over a period. Like that, even if one post is missed, you can still find your product featured on the influencer’s account.

Most small to medium influencers are happy to do trade exchanges and part-payment deals. These influencers will often request physical products or make use of your services, and in exchange, they post about their first-hand experiences with your brand.




This is the most authentic form of influencer marketing and must be discussed with your chosen influencers from the first meeting.

In some cases, especially with products where the monetary value does not equate to the rate an influencer may charge, a brand can opt to do a part-payment to cover the deficit after providing the influencer with a product. This often works out cheaper for a brand as we all know that the market value of a product or service is higher than the manufacturing or running cost of that product or service.

Understandably, the smaller influencers will not charge premium rates, thus saving you more of your marketing spend in the long run.


Tip 5: Community and statistics 


Numbers lie, and not all the stats pan out.

While an influencer may have over 100 000 followers, the chances of every single follower seeing a post are improbable. Of course, statistically, you’ll reach a larger market with a more prominent influencer, but you’ll also have to pay for that level of reach.

Per tips two and three, you should target communities and influencers who believe in your brand and have the time on hand to really make your brand stand out. Similarly, as you grow your brand on social media, you also develop your community.




It is wise to ask that same community for representatives or to suggest influencers to help you with your brand promotions.

This shows your community that you care about their opinions and opens up a communication channel, beginning what we believe will evolve into a meaningful and lasting relationship.


Final thoughts 


Influencer marketing on Instagram is a give-and-take relationship.

Begin with influencers who show the potential for growth and support them as you would any of your valued employees.

In the last two years, beyond products and services, brands who are open to communities, listen to their customers, and make changes in the interests of their users saw better returns than the price-cutting major corporations that fell short in overall customer satisfaction.


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