
Journey Quest, a travel agency based in Liverpool, needed a new website to improve their online presence, enhance user experience, and streamline their booking process.

The challenge

Journey Quest’s existing website was outdated and lacked functionality, making it difficult for users to navigate and book trips. The company needed a modern, user-friendly website to attract and retain customers.

The solution

Outsourcery provided web development services to design and build a new website for Journey Quest. The new site focused on a modern design, intuitive navigation, and an integrated booking system to enhance user experience.

How we got started

The web development team collaborated with Journey Quest’s management to gather requirements and design a website that reflected their brand and met their functional needs. The project included UI/UX design, development, and testing phases.

The outcome

Journey Quest’s new website launched successfully, leading to a 55% increase in online bookings and a 40% rise in user satisfaction ratings. The improved user experience contributed to better customer retention and acquisition.

Our client's thoughts

“Outsourcery’s web services provided us with a modern, functional website that significantly improved our customer experience and online bookings,” said Rachel Adams, CEO of Journey Quest.

Key takeaways

Outsourcery’s web development services resulted in a modernised website, increased online bookings, and enhanced user satisfaction for Journey Quest.

If you’re seeking to enhance your online presence and drive growth, consider exploring how the professional and adaptive services of Outsourcery can support your journey.
Reach out today and start exploring the benefits to your business.

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