The Top Social Media Platforms to Use for Wellness Professionals


“Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together, and you’ve got a kingdom.” – Jack Lalanne. Being a wellness professional, we know that this is part of the message that you are wanting to convey to your clients, current and potential. To do so, your current and potential clients will need to be aware […]

The Top Social Media Platforms to Use for Wellness Professionals


“Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together, and you’ve got a kingdom.” – Jack Lalanne. Being a wellness professional, we know that this is part of the message that you are wanting to convey to your clients, current and potential. To do so, your current and potential clients will need to be aware […]

Google Analytics: 6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs It


Having a small business in an industry that has many competitors, big and small, can be extremely tough. We can certainly relate! To remain competitive, you cannot be spending unnecessary amounts of money on campaigns and marketing efforts that drive the wrong types of traffic to your website. You’re just wasting your money! So, here’s […]

The Importance Of Digital Marketing


  Digital marketing has blasted past all things analogue – it’s undeniable. In a world that is fast becoming digitised, it’s imperative for all businesses to adapt to the changes that digitalisation brings. Today, our lives are entrenched in the internet, social media and our mobile phones. As business owners, its crucial to reach your […]

Top Tips when deciding on a Digital Marketing Agency


You have your business set up. That’s the easy part. Now how do you show the world what you are about and how you can help them? A digital marketing agency becomes an imperative next step in the growth of your business. You need to find one that fits you perfectly, or the whole image […]

6 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Digital Marketing


Are you struggling to find the time to properly formulate an effective digital marketing plan and manage your online marketing efforts? As the owner of a small business, you’re more than likely very busy managing the many operational tasks that your business requires and perhaps not putting in enough effort into your digital marketing – […]

The Importance Of An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy for Start Ups


As the owner of a business, increasing sales and creating brand awareness should be two goals that are very important to you. How are you going about achieving these goals? The first step would be to ask yourself some very important questions: What is your USP? Who’s your target market? Who are your competitors? What […]

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