Google Analytics 4: Benefits and Archiving Universal Analytics Data

Switching to Google Analytics 4

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and businesses need to stay up to date to remain competitive. One crucial tool for businesses to understand their customers and optimise their online presence is Google Analytics. The latest version, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), offers numerous benefits over its predecessor, Universal Analytics. In this article, we’ll explore the […]

The best smartphone apps to manage your social media in 2023

The best smartphone apps to manage your social media in 2023

If you are in the marketing business or have a business that needs marketing, you probably know that there is no ‘one app to rule them all.’ Because each social media site is different in terms of its engagement, application, and analytics, you might need a mix of apps to roll out your marketing strategy. […]

Improve your digital marketing within one month of 2023

Improve your digital marketing within one month of 2023

Lots of people generally start the New Year with resolutions and goals for themselves, ranging from objectives of self-improvement to reaching for new experiences. This tradition doesn’t only include individuals, though, but also businesses. So, during the first two to three months of the year, companies across the globe flee to the boardroom to start […]

How to plan your digital marketing for 2023 in the midst of a recession

How to plan your digital marketing for 2023 in the midst of a recession

The year 2022 started out great, especially for small businesses. Covid restrictions were lifting, consumers were becoming more likely to spend money, and the economy looked great. Since then, as you probably know, a lot has changed. In addition to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and going through several prime ministers (we’ve lost count), […]

Everything you need to know about the latest social media platforms

Everything you need to know about the latest social media platforms

If you’ve spent any amount of time on TikTok or Instagram lately, you’ve probably heard of a new trending platform called BeReal. Interestingly, several new social media networks have arisen in the past few months, and we’ve decided to tell you more about them so you can make an informed decision when choosing whether or […]

Interview series: My biggest failure


We recently interviewed friend and general go-to life mentor, Steve Gwenin, for an informal interview series – My Biggest Failure. Steve is an executive surf life coach, mentor and speaker. But before that, he was a successful CEO that oversaw 200 people across 13 countries. We had an honest conversation about what he considers one […]

Convert leads into sales with these 3 email marketing hacks

Advice for email marketing

We recently told you how email marketing is still a great way to market your business, and we shared some tips on how to get it right. Today, we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty to share some really simple advice to help you optimise your email marketing to start converting leads into sales. Not only […]

Don’t ditch marketing: How to recession-proof your SME

Don’t ditch marketing: How to recession-proof your SME

If you’ve read the news at all recently, you’re likely to have heard that the UK is heading for a significant economic recession. In fact, some are arguing that the UK is in for its longest downturn since the 2008 financial crisis. It’s quite possible that this news has you concerned about the future of […]

Why video isn’t just for large companies: A guide to video for small businesses

A guide to video content marketing for small businesses

Video is #trending! While many small businesses feel that they can’t delve into video marketing because they don’t have the budget or equipment to pull it off, the numbers argue differently. Did you know that 55% of consumers watch videos before they make purchasing decisions? Additionally, 84% of consumers purchase products after watching social media […]

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