6 Low-Cost Digital Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses


Starting any business can be challenging. Launching it tends to drain most of your capital before you even begin to consider promoting it. Nevertheless, you should get your brand online pronto. You need to be picking up likes and engaging with your future customers, even if it’s on a shoestring budget.      Marketing is a vital tool for business […]

Pay-Per-Click Tips to Help You Upstage Your Competition


How often have you found yourself lost online, searching for something, only to land on a website that you had no intention of visiting? It has happened to all of us. In that time spent online conducting a search expedition, you would have been exposed to the pay-per-click advertising of several brands, who were all able to target you through the words you typed into the search bar, through your location, your browsing history and a host of other […]

Do You Need a Podcast in Your Marketing Strategy in 2021?


The year 2020 left brands and marketers scrambling to re-assess their strategies, turfing ideas that might have been great just a few months before, and putting every ounce of imagination into making innovative, meaningful connections with prospects and customers. Live events went away and virtual conferences rose to take their place. In-store activations were cancelled […]

Six Ways to Use Social Media For Business


Social media is everywhere in the modern world, and the Covid-19 pandemic has increased our reliance on it even more during lockdowns and quarantines. Now more than ever, a social media presence is an absolute necessity for any business. Using social media to grow your business can seem like a daunting task, especially when you […]

The beginner’s handbook to Pinterest marketing


You have to stay ahead of the game if you want to get your message in front of the right audience, generate leads, increase conversions and build awareness around your brand. With over 450 million monthly users and a growth of 100 million in the last year alone, Pinterest marketing is quickly becoming one of the most lucrative ways […]

Freelance Marketing Service vs Marketing Agency: Which is best for your business?


So you need help with your digital marketing, and you can’t decide between choosing a freelance marketing service or an agency, so what do you do? We’ve researched the pros and cons of both and given you a precis to make your decision a little easier.    A freelancer is an independent marketing consultant whose skills and experience may come from having […]

The best way to advertise your business in 2021


For any small business to be successful it needs sustainable growth, brand loyalty and a consistent stream of new customers. But you can’t just expect that to magically happen overnight and without any effort. Running a small business takes determination, consistent hard work and keeping your finger on the pulse to identify the best way […]

How much should you pay for digital marketing?


You’ve started your business and you’re ready to grow your brand online. But you keep asking yourself “How much should I pay for digital marketing?” It’s a competitive world out there for a small business owner and even though you want to invest in your digital marketing, you’re unsure of exactly how much. The question […]

Will websites become obsolete? Apps vs. websites


There’s no denying we are living in a completely digital age. With advancements in automation, online tools, technology and artificial intelligence changing minute by minute, it can sometimes seem a bit overwhelming to try to stay on top of it all. But can you actually imagine a future where websites become obsolete? Or is that […]

Golden rules for building a personal brand 


A brand is a signifier, name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies a product or service. Brands exist to differentiate companies, organisations and even countries! This is why building a personal brand is so important.   Contrary to popular belief it’s not just companies that need a brand to identify themselves, people are walking, talking brands too.     The best way to explain what a personal brand is […]

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