The 10 Dos and Don’ts of Email Sequences

When it comes to targeting your audience, the inbox reigns supreme and mastering the art of email sequences has become crucial for digital marketing success. Effective email sequences are not just about sending messages; they’re about building relationships, providing value, and nurturing your audience. So whether you’re a seasoned marketer looking to refine your strategy […]

20 Basic Email Marketing Tactics That Are Proven to Drive Results

email marketing

In digital marketing, email is a powerhouse when it comes to engaging customers and driving conversions. Email marketing is also a cost-effective and impactful tool to connect with your target audience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 20 proven email marketing tactics that, when implemented effectively, can help you build a strong email list, create […]

5 Ways to Personalise Your Email Marketing and Increase Engagement


You might be wondering, “Why should personalisation matter to me?” Personalised emails make your recipients feel special and valued. They grab attention, spark curiosity, and, most importantly, they drive action. Whether you’re trying to nurture leads, promote a new product, or simply build stronger relationships with your customers, your ability to connect is a key […]

The Art of Timing: How to Set Up Email Sequences That Maximise Engagement


Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses connect with their customers, build brand loyalty, and drive sales. However, with so many emails flooding our inboxes every day, it can be challenging to cut through the noise and capture your audience’s attention. That’s where the art of timing comes in. Timing is everything […]

8 Email sequences every business should have in their marketing arsenal


Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to build relationships with your customers and drive sales for your business. But if you’re just sending out sporadic emails, you’re not taking full advantage of this powerful tool. Instead, you should be using email sequences to communicate with your audience in a more targeted and […]

How to craft the perfect welcome email sequence for new subscribers


Email marketing can be a powerful tool for building relationships with your customers and driving sales for your business. And one of the most important emails in your email marketing arsenal is the welcome email sequence. When a new subscriber signs up for your email list, you want to make sure you give them the […]

How to use A/B testing to improve email open rates


Are you sending emails to your customers and not getting the open rates you’d like to see? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! A/B testing can be a helpful tool for improving your email open rates and the success of your marketing campaigns. Here’s how to use it. First off, what is A/B testing? A/B testing, […]

The best smartphone apps to manage your social media in 2023

The best smartphone apps to manage your social media in 2023

If you are in the marketing business or have a business that needs marketing, you probably know that there is no ‘one app to rule them all.’ Because each social media site is different in terms of its engagement, application, and analytics, you might need a mix of apps to roll out your marketing strategy. […]

Convert leads into sales with these 3 email marketing hacks

Advice for email marketing

We recently told you how email marketing is still a great way to market your business, and we shared some tips on how to get it right. Today, we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty to share some really simple advice to help you optimise your email marketing to start converting leads into sales. Not only […]

Email marketing isn’t dead: Here’s how to use it to boost your business

Starting out with email marketing for your small business

Recently, some digital marketing experts have said that email marketing is a dying art. According to them, this marketing channel no longer has the impact it used to, with users opting out and unsubscribing more than ever before. However, we believe the exact opposite of the above argument, and we have the stats to prove […]

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