What is a business coach, and how can they help me?

What is a business coach, and how can they help me?

Most small businesses are born out of the founder being really good at something or spotting an open gap in the market that simply needed filling. At the outset, entrepreneurs run on optimism, hard work and a little bit of luck. In any business, small or otherwise, the two constant goals are growth and turning […]

Tips for defining your business’s strategic vision

Tips for defining your business’s strategic vision

As you probably know, strategy is a key component to the success of your business. Without a clear strategy, how will you know what your short and long-term goals are? How will you know what to work toward and how to lead your team? While there are several strategic planning models that you can use […]

Reasons why entrepreneurs should read more and what books to choose

Reasons why entrepreneurs should read more and what books to choose

Some of the most famous entrepreneurs – the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, for example – have praised reading as a key part of their success. In fact, it’s been reported that 88% of the world’s most wealthy people devote at least 30 minutes per day to reading. Furthermore, reading can help reduce […]

What industry do you need to be in to hire a virtual assistant?

What industry do you need to be in to hire a virtual assistant?

We could give you an expansive list of the industries that would benefit from hiring a virtual assistant, but the truth is, virtual assistants are valuable in pretty much any industry. The core of what they’re there to do is – you guessed it – assist. And in most cases, what they assist with is […]

Our top advice for small businesses from our very own virtual assistants

Our top advice for small businesses from our very own virtual assistants

Virtual assistants aren’t only trained in business admin. As we’ve discussed before, virtual assistants can help with just about any task. Additionally, they usually have a rich background in a variety of industries and business arenas. This means that when you outsource to a virtual assistant, you can be perfectly matched with someone with in-depth […]

How to make outsourcing work for your business

How to make outsourcing work for your business

Being an entrepreneur is no easy business. You’re responsible for an entire company and everything that comes with it. Every task, every phone call, and every penny that leaves the pot is your responsibility. The straightforward solution here would be to hire people to help you handle various aspects of your business. However, hiring in-house […]

Remote working trends you need to know about

Remote working trends

The nature of business is always changing, and for entrepreneurs, this is especially true. Markets change, your competitors switch tactics, and marketing platforms release algorithm updates just about every other day. This is certainly a lot to keep up with. One change that has totally revolutionised the business world is remote working. It is now […]

How to run a successful virtual business

How to run a successful virtual business

While the global pandemic changed many things, perhaps one of the biggest shifts we’ve seen as a result is the rise of fully remote businesses. While what felt like endless lockdowns had most of the UK workforce working from home, many companies have chosen to stay remote post-Covid. Let’s look at some remote working statistics: […]

Three top ways to help your business be more sustainable


Whether you’re a new start-up wanting to run a sustainable-only business or an established organisation looking to do things a little greener, we have some good news for you. There are some simple ways to make your business more sustainable, reducing your carbon footprint and, ultimately, doing your bit for our planet. Some even better […]

Lessons in business from the world’s most successful founders

world's most successful founders

Have you ever heard the saying that hindsight is 20/20? The great thing about learning from leaders who have come before us is that they can look back on their experiences in hindsight and share what worked and what didn’t so we can (hopefully) learn from their mistakes. As entrepreneurs, it’s often difficult to know […]

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