Project Management and Why it is Imperative

Project Management

As a business owner, it’s important to understand that project management is not just a trendy phrase; it’s a vital element of any prosperous enterprise. Whether you’re leading a multifaceted business endeavour, coordinating company events, or strategising a new marketing campaign, employing effective project management techniques is crucial to ensure everything runs smoothly. What is […]

The Power of Data Analytics: Unlocking Insights for Business Success


Not just a buzzword, data analytics is a powerful tool that can propel your business to new heights. It might sound like something only big corporations can afford, but thanks to advancements in technology, data analytics has become more accessible and affordable than ever before.  So, why should you even care about getting to know […]

Why you shouldn’t stop your digital marketing over holidays


Many businesses think their digital marketing activities can be paused over the summer or other holidays. After all, surely your customers are too busy with friends and family to be online? However, the stats show that this is simply not the case. Studies have shown that consumers spend more money between 01 November and 31 […]

Simple tips for becoming a sustainable business


Did you know that in May 2022, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were the highest they’ve ever been in human history? In fact, these levels were 50% higher than in the pre-industrial era, with over 241 parts per million of carbon dioxide being recorded in just one month. You may be wondering what this […]

4 top tips to improve your organic social media

As a small or medium-sized business owner, we know that you don’t always have the budget to boost posts and spend money on paid advertising campaigns on social media. Sometimes, the best that you can do is use your social media platforms to market yourself organically without spending any money. Many people will tell you […]

Top 5 things your website needs to generate ROI

website ROI

Having a website is a fantastic way to generate leads and sell your product. However, if it’s not in tip-top shape, there’s the chance it could negatively affect your revenue. Generating a return on investment (ROI) means driving conversions. A conversion is a goal you want to achieve by having a website. If you run […]

A Marketer’s Guide To Creating Short-Form Video Content


Did you know that humans have attention spans shorter than that of a goldfish? In fact, the average consumer’s attention span is nine seconds long, down from 12 seconds in the year 2000. That gives us as marketers what seems like an impossibly tight window of time to reach our audience.  The rise of short-form […]

Free Google Tools for Your Business


Part 1: Getting started   We are all familiar with the online search prowess of Google, to the extent that in the past few years, Google and ‘search’ have become interchangeable words.   Gone are the days when we ask our friends and family to search for something online when we can just ‘Google’ it. […]

Quick Tips on How to Content Batch Like a Pro


Success requires structure and as the old saying goes “consistency is key!” This couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to your content. Consistent, shareable content is what keeps your customers engaged and helps to make those conversions. So, what’s the secret to consistent content? Content batching like a pro!    Content batching is when […]

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