Why You Need a Professional Social Media Manager to Free Up Your Time


Engaging with your audience: Responding to comments, messages, and reviews can take much time. A social media manager can help you engage with your audience promptly and professionally.  Analysing performance: Analysing the performance of your social media campaigns is essential for improving your strategy. A social media manager can help you track your metrics, analyse […]

How Can I Make My Instagram Captions Stand Out?

Instagram is the place where images and words unite to create engaging and memorable experiences for your audience. In this digital age, where attention spans are shorter than ever, crafting captivating Instagram captions is nothing short of an art form. It’s no secret that Instagram is a powerhouse in the world of social media. With […]

The best smartphone apps to manage your social media in 2023

The best smartphone apps to manage your social media in 2023

If you are in the marketing business or have a business that needs marketing, you probably know that there is no ‘one app to rule them all.’ Because each social media site is different in terms of its engagement, application, and analytics, you might need a mix of apps to roll out your marketing strategy. […]

Everything you need to know about the latest social media platforms

Everything you need to know about the latest social media platforms

If you’ve spent any amount of time on TikTok or Instagram lately, you’ve probably heard of a new trending platform called BeReal. Interestingly, several new social media networks have arisen in the past few months, and we’ve decided to tell you more about them so you can make an informed decision when choosing whether or […]

Why video isn’t just for large companies: A guide to video for small businesses

A guide to video content marketing for small businesses

Video is #trending! While many small businesses feel that they can’t delve into video marketing because they don’t have the budget or equipment to pull it off, the numbers argue differently. Did you know that 55% of consumers watch videos before they make purchasing decisions? Additionally, 84% of consumers purchase products after watching social media […]

What social media platforms are right for your business?

What social media platforms are right for your business?

Did you know that nearly half of Gen Z are using TikTok and Instagram for search rather than Google? This is according to Google’s very own data. Younger generations are leaning less towards typing keywords into search engines and relying more on the immersive experiences they have on social media to make purchasing decisions. We’ve […]

Start Now: A guide to planning your festive marketing campaigns ahead of time

A guide to planning your festive marketing campaigns ahead of time

Have you started planning your digital marketing campaigns for the festive season yet? You may think, gosh, it’s the middle of summer, why would I need to think about Christmas right now? The truth is, to pull off any campaign successfully, you need to plan. The earlier you start, the better your chances are of […]

4 top tips to improve your organic social media

As a small or medium-sized business owner, we know that you don’t always have the budget to boost posts and spend money on paid advertising campaigns on social media. Sometimes, the best that you can do is use your social media platforms to market yourself organically without spending any money. Many people will tell you […]

5 Ways To Show Your Customers Some Love


With the month of love in full swing, it’s time to take a moment to think about how you can show your customers some love. Showing your clients and customers, your greatest supporters, that you appreciate them has major perks. Not only are you making them feel special, but you’re also creating a relationship with […]

Five Insider Tips For Finding The Best Influencers 


  As such, most businesses understand, by now, that social media is quickly becoming the best way to reach potential clients and tap into previously unknown markets. The stats, as generated by Statistica, support the findings as follows. Did you know that:       There are 320 million global Instagram users aged 18 and […]

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