Brilliant Content Ideas In 2022


Whether it be social media content, blogs, eBooks, or emails – content is king. Did you know that 70% of people would rather learn about a company through an article or a blog post rather than from an advertisement? That means that your target audience would prefer to discover your business through great content rather […]

SEO 101: How to Do Your Own Keyword Research


With technology advancing at such exponential rates, more businesses around the globe have shifted to the digital space to keep up with the times. The pandemic has accelerated this process as the many lockdowns, and social distancing protocols have encouraged consumers to leverage technology to cater to their internet needs.     If your business […]

Hacking Social Media Engagement: How to Get Your Audience More Involved


Gone are the days when social media marketing was considered a ‘fad’. Today, it’s an integral part of any marketer’s arsenal. Social media engagement and brand awareness go hand-in-hand, but building a community of active followers who engage with your brand is not as easy as it once was. While many brands are successfully using […]

Friends With Benefits: Why Cross-Brand Collaboration Is Right for Your Brand


Why you should be using cross-brand collaboration as part of your go-to plan    We all know the saying – ‘two minds are better than one.’ Can the same be said about brands? And if so, do they necessarily need to be like-minded? Cross-brand collaboration is a powerful tool to add to your online marketing […]

Friends With Benefits: Why Cross-Brand Collaboration Is Right for Your Brand


Why you should be using cross-brand collaboration as part of your go-to plan    We all know the saying – ‘two minds are better than one.’ Can the same be said about brands? And if so, do they necessarily need to be like-minded? Cross-brand collaboration is a powerful tool to add to your online marketing […]

The Importance of Video Content Marketing


It’s not an exaggeration to say that video content is taking over the internet. It’s estimated that by 2022, video content will account for 82% of all online traffic. A lot of small businesses are hesitant to take the leap into creating video content though, thinking that it requires a huge production budget or someone […]

Content Hooks: The Power of Storytelling


There is absolute power in the written word, especially in the marketing arena. Even though to err is human, the simplest error can change a consumer’s perspective towards a brand – and not in a good way. Typos are frowned upon and don’t you dare spell stationery as stationary. But, while clear to anyone with […]

​​Creating a Winning Black Friday Campaign


Black Friday is around the corner. Well, at least it seems that way when you’re engaged in creating content calendars, updating your stock, or finalising the various marketing ploys that you hope to use to take full advantage of the spending power that consumers wield on the day. Fortunately, like you, we understand that planning […]

Back-to-School Marketing Campaigns We Love


The holidays are over, and it’s back to school. Not only does this bring some sanity for parents, but it’s a massive opportunity for brands to leverage off the back-to-school marketing season. The back-to-school market is estimated to be worth £1.7 billion this year and is the third-largest shopping event in the UK.   To […]

Voice Marketing – What It Is and How to Get Started


We’ve all heard of Siri, Alexa, and Bixby – and as these artificially intelligent (AI) assistants worm their way into our hearts, new avenues for voice marketing can be explored.   What is voice marketing?    A marketing strategy is used to reach an audience through voice-enabled devices, powered by voice assistants to meet their […]

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