What Are Some Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid?

social media

Today, we’re exploring the exciting world of social media marketing. It’s a game-changer for entrepreneurs and SMEs, but let’s face it, it can be a bit overwhelming too. That’s why we’re here to help you navigate social media marketing and avoid some common mistakes along the way. Picture this: you’ve got an amazing product or […]

Interview series: My biggest failure


We recently interviewed friend and general go-to life mentor, Steve Gwenin, for an informal interview series – My Biggest Failure. Steve is an executive surf life coach, mentor and speaker. But before that, he was a successful CEO that oversaw 200 people across 13 countries. We had an honest conversation about what he considers one […]

Don’t ditch marketing: How to recession-proof your SME

Don’t ditch marketing: How to recession-proof your SME

If you’ve read the news at all recently, you’re likely to have heard that the UK is heading for a significant economic recession. In fact, some are arguing that the UK is in for its longest downturn since the 2008 financial crisis. It’s quite possible that this news has you concerned about the future of […]

Top Trends We’re Seeing For UK SMEs In 2022 


Top trends we’re seeing for UK SMEs in 2022  (SMEs) make up 99% of the UK’s total business population. This puts them at the forefront of our economy and means they were perhaps the sector hit hardest by the Covid pandemic. As the dust begins to settle and businesses start returning to normal, the question […]

A Marketer’s Guide To Creating Short-Form Video Content


Did you know that humans have attention spans shorter than that of a goldfish? In fact, the average consumer’s attention span is nine seconds long, down from 12 seconds in the year 2000. That gives us as marketers what seems like an impossibly tight window of time to reach our audience.  The rise of short-form […]

Online Advertising Without Cookies- How To Future Proof Your Digital Marketing


You may have realised lately that just about every website you visit asks you for your permission to use cookies. Internet browsers like Safari and Firefox made third-party cookies a thing of the past some time ago, but in 2020, Google announced that it would be following suit with its Chrome browser making third-party cookies obsolete by […]

Hacking Social Media Engagement: How to Get Your Audience More Involved


Gone are the days when social media marketing was considered a ‘fad’. Today, it’s an integral part of any marketer’s arsenal. Social media engagement and brand awareness go hand-in-hand, but building a community of active followers who engage with your brand is not as easy as it once was. While many brands are successfully using […]

Podcast Series: How to Record a Podcast Like a Pro


There are hundreds, if not thousands, of podcasts that are uploaded daily. If you’re thinking of entering the podcast space, then welcome. There is space and a place for you. And hopefully, as unique as you are, so too will be the content that you churn out because that is what sets some podcasts apart […]

Top 10 Marketing Strategy Books for Entrepreneurs


Sometimes, we need a little inspiration. And where better to find it than from fellow entrepreneurs? Taking a step back to reevaluate your marketing strategy is the best thing you can to gain a fresh new perspective, inspire new and creative ways to get ahead of the competition and grow your business.  We’ve done our research and compiled […]

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