How Much Money Per Day Should I Pay for Facebook Ads?

Take a moment and imagine that your products or services reach thousands, or even millions, of potential customers with just a few clicks. Sounds like a dream, right? With Facebook advertising, it’s no longer just a dream – it’s a reality.  In today’s article, we will unravel the mystery behind one of the most powerful […]

LinkedIn Advertising for B2B: How to Create Ads that Stand Out and Drive Conversions


LinkedIn has established itself as a powerhouse in the B2B space, offering a unique platform to connect with professionals, decision-makers, and potential clients in a highly targeted manner. Today, we’ll explore the ins and outs of LinkedIn advertising and provide you with practical tips to create ads that truly stand out and deliver results. Let’s […]

Advertising 101: Key Concepts and Techniques Every Marketer Should Know


Are you ready to unlock the power of advertising and take your small business to new heights? You’ve come to the right place. In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, advertising plays a crucial role in getting your brand noticed and driving sales. That’s why we’re here to provide you with some insider advice and guidance […]

What social media platforms are right for your business?

What social media platforms are right for your business?

Did you know that nearly half of Gen Z are using TikTok and Instagram for search rather than Google? This is according to Google’s very own data. Younger generations are leaning less towards typing keywords into search engines and relying more on the immersive experiences they have on social media to make purchasing decisions. We’ve […]

Start Now: A guide to planning your festive marketing campaigns ahead of time

A guide to planning your festive marketing campaigns ahead of time

Have you started planning your digital marketing campaigns for the festive season yet? You may think, gosh, it’s the middle of summer, why would I need to think about Christmas right now? The truth is, to pull off any campaign successfully, you need to plan. The earlier you start, the better your chances are of […]

5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2022 That You Can’t Ignore


The past two years have been filled with uncertainly. But one thing we know for sure is that the world of digital marketing changes and evolves rapidly, even in the midst of a pandemic. It’s important that your brand keeps a finger on the pulse of new and emerging trends in the digital marketing space […]

Reopening Your Business Post-Lockdown Like a Marketing Guru


It’s been tough. But you’ve made it. This last year we all learned that being an entrepreneur means being resilient, even in the most challenging times. But now, with the lockdown starting to ease month by month, there is a glimmer of hope. Now, more than ever, it’s time to put all your efforts into reopening your business with a bang. But how do you get back on your feet ahead of the big reopening? Keep reading and we’ll share our advice on how to […]

How to Use Pinterest Ads to Maximise Profit


When considering running an online ad campaign, and which platforms to use for that campaign, many people tend to think of Facebook as the first port of call. This isn’t a bad idea.  Common advertising platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have great advertising tools that can be effective and valuable. But other platforms such as Pinterest can be just as […]

Pay-Per-Click Tips to Help You Upstage Your Competition


How often have you found yourself lost online, searching for something, only to land on a website that you had no intention of visiting? It has happened to all of us. In that time spent online conducting a search expedition, you would have been exposed to the pay-per-click advertising of several brands, who were all able to target you through the words you typed into the search bar, through your location, your browsing history and a host of other […]

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