How to Use Pinterest Ads to Maximise Profit


When considering running an online ad campaign, and which platforms to use for that campaign, many people tend to think of Facebook as the first port of call. This isn’t a bad idea.  Common advertising platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have great advertising tools that can be effective and valuable. But other platforms such as Pinterest can be just as […]

Pay-Per-Click Tips to Help You Upstage Your Competition


How often have you found yourself lost online, searching for something, only to land on a website that you had no intention of visiting? It has happened to all of us. In that time spent online conducting a search expedition, you would have been exposed to the pay-per-click advertising of several brands, who were all able to target you through the words you typed into the search bar, through your location, your browsing history and a host of other […]

The best way to advertise your business in 2021


For any small business to be successful it needs sustainable growth, brand loyalty and a consistent stream of new customers. But you can’t just expect that to magically happen overnight and without any effort. Running a small business takes determination, consistent hard work and keeping your finger on the pulse to identify the best way […]

Virtual Marketing Team Spotlight: Meet Alex, Tania & Chloe 


Your small business is starting to pick up and all of a sudden you find yourself juggling countless tasks and trying to be in multiple places at once. When you have so much on the go, it’s easy for some important aspects of your business to slip through the cracks unintentionally. It’s time to explore […]

Paid advertising types – which to choose, use and fuse


So, you’ve launched your business on your social media channels and gained a couple of organic likes here and there. But suddenly your audience reach and engagement has gone quiet. Time to consider opening your options to the world of paid advertising and paid advertising types. This may seem daunting and only something the gurus […]

Digital Marketing Basics for Absolute Beginners


The world of digital marketing is vast, there are so many aspects to consider, and it’s ever-evolving with new technologies, this makes it quite tricky, and it’s an art to manage all the moving parts.   Digital marketing has become a reliable and cost-effective tool not only to create brand awareness but also successfully convert leads into paying customers. […]

Digital Marketing Basics for Absolute Beginners


The world of digital marketing is vast, there are so many aspects to consider, and it’s ever-evolving with new technologies, this makes it quite tricky, and it’s an art to manage all the moving parts.   Digital marketing has become a reliable and cost-effective tool not only to create brand awareness but also successfully convert leads into paying customers. […]

How To Link Objectives To Measurables


In our previous blog, we discussed setting objectives and linking strategy to ensure that they are met. This can be a tricky part of social media marketing for small businesses. Finding the right tools to help you reach your goals is a key aspect of any digital marketing undertaking. Once you have outlined your strategy […]

Top Tips for Effective Small Business Advertising


For small businesses, the budget for advertising can be small. So, effective ideation and strategy are essential to achieving the best results for business growth. It is essential when outlining and developing a digital marketing strategy to consider what will achieve the best results on a small budget. Effective keyword research here is most beneficial, […]

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