How Do Instagram “Influencers” Get Paid, and How Much?

There’s a mystery afoot, and we’re about to shed light on this elusive topic. Instagram influencers – those folks who seem to have cracked the code of turning their Instagram feed into a money-making machine.  Imagine a world where scrolling through your phone is for more than just news or the latest trends. It’s a […]

Analytics for eCommerce: Optimising Sales and the Customer Experience

In the realm of eCommerce, where digital storefronts cater to a global audience, success hinges on more than just having a quality product. It’s about understanding your customers, anticipating their needs, and crafting an experience that keeps them coming back. This is where the power of analytics comes into play – a strategic tool that […]

How Much Money Per Day Should I Pay for Facebook Ads?

Take a moment and imagine that your products or services reach thousands, or even millions, of potential customers with just a few clicks. Sounds like a dream, right? With Facebook advertising, it’s no longer just a dream – it’s a reality.  In today’s article, we will unravel the mystery behind one of the most powerful […]

Reopening Your Business Post-Lockdown Like a Marketing Guru


It’s been tough. But you’ve made it. This last year we all learned that being an entrepreneur means being resilient, even in the most challenging times. But now, with the lockdown starting to ease month by month, there is a glimmer of hope. Now, more than ever, it’s time to put all your efforts into reopening your business with a bang. But how do you get back on your feet ahead of the big reopening? Keep reading and we’ll share our advice on how to […]

Pay-Per-Click Tips to Help You Upstage Your Competition


How often have you found yourself lost online, searching for something, only to land on a website that you had no intention of visiting? It has happened to all of us. In that time spent online conducting a search expedition, you would have been exposed to the pay-per-click advertising of several brands, who were all able to target you through the words you typed into the search bar, through your location, your browsing history and a host of other […]

The best way to advertise your business in 2021


For any small business to be successful it needs sustainable growth, brand loyalty and a consistent stream of new customers. But you can’t just expect that to magically happen overnight and without any effort. Running a small business takes determination, consistent hard work and keeping your finger on the pulse to identify the best way […]

Paid advertising types – which to choose, use and fuse


So, you’ve launched your business on your social media channels and gained a couple of organic likes here and there. But suddenly your audience reach and engagement has gone quiet. Time to consider opening your options to the world of paid advertising and paid advertising types. This may seem daunting and only something the gurus […]

Digital Marketing Basics for Absolute Beginners


The world of digital marketing is vast, there are so many aspects to consider, and it’s ever-evolving with new technologies, this makes it quite tricky, and it’s an art to manage all the moving parts.   Digital marketing has become a reliable and cost-effective tool not only to create brand awareness but also successfully convert leads into paying customers. […]

Digital Marketing Basics for Absolute Beginners


The world of digital marketing is vast, there are so many aspects to consider, and it’s ever-evolving with new technologies, this makes it quite tricky, and it’s an art to manage all the moving parts.   Digital marketing has become a reliable and cost-effective tool not only to create brand awareness but also successfully convert leads into paying customers. […]

5 Top Tips for Small Business Digital Marketing


What is small business digital marketing and why is it so important we hear you ask? Digital marketing encompasses all marketing techniques that use the internet or electronics devices. It covers digital channels such as search engines, social media, email and websites in order to connect with current, prospective and potential consumers. Eager to test […]

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