Our Top 3 Keywords Per Industry


Keywords are powerful. Not only do they bolster your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts, but they also help the right people find you online and stay a step ahead of your competition. Using keywords in your web copy (the text on your website) – and any content you publish, such as blog posts – is […]

5 Ways To Show Your Customers Some Love


With the month of love in full swing, it’s time to take a moment to think about how you can show your customers some love. Showing your clients and customers, your greatest supporters, that you appreciate them has major perks. Not only are you making them feel special, but you’re also creating a relationship with […]

The Best Valentine’s Day Social Media Campaigns We’ve Seen


Special day campaigns are an excellent way to elevate your social media presence, remain relevant, and inspire engagement amongst your social media community. One special day you can’t miss out on is Valentine’s Day. Up and away with Ryanair The popular Ireland-based airline company Ryanair launched a social media campaign that proves user-generated content (UCG) […]

Why Strategy Shouldn’t Just Be A Buzzword  


Enter any corporate boardroom, and you’ll hear words like ‘synergy’, ‘deep dive’, and ‘strategy’ thrown around as answers to complex questions. While each of these words certainly has its place in business, they can start to feel quite abstract after a while. Strategy is far more than a buzzword; it is an essential to successful […]

A Marketer’s Guide To Creating Short-Form Video Content


Did you know that humans have attention spans shorter than that of a goldfish? In fact, the average consumer’s attention span is nine seconds long, down from 12 seconds in the year 2000. That gives us as marketers what seems like an impossibly tight window of time to reach our audience.  The rise of short-form […]

5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2022 That You Can’t Ignore


The past two years have been filled with uncertainly. But one thing we know for sure is that the world of digital marketing changes and evolves rapidly, even in the midst of a pandemic. It’s important that your brand keeps a finger on the pulse of new and emerging trends in the digital marketing space […]

How To Use Hashtags


Dive into a world of exposure with hashtags.   In today’s algorithm-driven society, ensuring optimization of your business’s social media channels is essential to creating brand familiarity.   One of the most effective ways to up your engagement rate and ensure your content is seen by the ideal audience is using hashtags.   A hashtag […]

Instagram Photography Tips for Phone-tographers


Ah… the elusive perfect shot. When scrolling through the cream of the crop of Instagram photography feeds, you’re likely faced with a plethora of responses: Marvel, delight, appreciation, inspiration and intrigue. Perhaps you’re even a tiny bit envious, especially if you’re the competitive type! Whether you’re casually wondering how they do it; feeling a little […]

Brilliant Content Ideas In 2022


Whether it be social media content, blogs, eBooks, or emails – content is king. Did you know that 70% of people would rather learn about a company through an article or a blog post rather than from an advertisement? That means that your target audience would prefer to discover your business through great content rather […]

Hacking Social Media Engagement: How to Get Your Audience More Involved


Gone are the days when social media marketing was considered a ‘fad’. Today, it’s an integral part of any marketer’s arsenal. Social media engagement and brand awareness go hand-in-hand, but building a community of active followers who engage with your brand is not as easy as it once was. While many brands are successfully using […]

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