Virtual Marketing Team Spotlight: Meet Alex, Tania & Chloe 


Your small business is starting to pick up and all of a sudden you find yourself juggling countless tasks and trying to be in multiple places at once. When you have so much on the go, it’s easy for some important aspects of your business to slip through the cracks unintentionally. It’s time to explore […]

Time-saving social media tips for small business


So, you’ve set up all your social media channels and you’re starting to grow your brand presence online. But keeping up with posting and producing relevant and valuable content is so time-consuming that it’s starting to stress you out. You need some time-saving social media tips for your small business.    Most small business owners know that free time is a myth – you constantly have your fingers in multiple pies. […]

Inbound marketing strategy – why it’s so important to help grow your small business


Inbound marketing is a term coined by Hubspot and now used by millions of marketers across the globe. Wikipedia defines it as “a technique for drawing customers to products and services via content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization and branding”.  In this blog, we will take you through how to do inbound marketing and which inbound […]

How to Run an Instagram giveaway


Whoever said “nothing in life is free” has obviously never won anything. Everyone loves a free gift and there are few things quite as exhilarating as feeling like a winner! In this blog, we will be taking you through best practice, step by step, on how to run an Instagram giveaway, as well as some […]

Paid advertising types – which to choose, use and fuse


So, you’ve launched your business on your social media channels and gained a couple of organic likes here and there. But suddenly your audience reach and engagement has gone quiet. Time to consider opening your options to the world of paid advertising and paid advertising types. This may seem daunting and only something the gurus […]

Black Friday Marketing Ideas for Small Business


Black Friday, traditionally an American consumer event, has taken the world by storm in recent years and has become the biggest day for sales both physically and online. A study by Statista found that in 2019 the total spending of British consumers reached 8.7 billion pounds in one day. That was the highest amount of spending […]

Social media management – everything you need to know


The world of social media marketing can seem daunting, it’s a world with many moving parts and trying to keep up can make you feel like you’re treading water. It’s important to get a grasp of social media management because soon you will realise that your small business cannot survive without it. The good news […]

Digital Marketing Basics for Absolute Beginners


The world of digital marketing is vast, there are so many aspects to consider, and it’s ever-evolving with new technologies, this makes it quite tricky, and it’s an art to manage all the moving parts.   Digital marketing has become a reliable and cost-effective tool not only to create brand awareness but also successfully convert leads into paying customers. […]

Digital Marketing Basics for Absolute Beginners


The world of digital marketing is vast, there are so many aspects to consider, and it’s ever-evolving with new technologies, this makes it quite tricky, and it’s an art to manage all the moving parts.   Digital marketing has become a reliable and cost-effective tool not only to create brand awareness but also successfully convert leads into paying customers. […]

10 tips to help your business increase social media engagement


Having strong social media engagement can be a sign that your business is making an impact in the market. Increasing social media engagement is not about gaining popularity, it’s about forging meaningful and long-term connections with existing and new customers, which will help increase brand awareness and boost ROI both on and offline. Social media […]

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