Lessons in business from the world’s most successful founders

world's most successful founders

Have you ever heard the saying that hindsight is 20/20? The great thing about learning from leaders who have come before us is that they can look back on their experiences in hindsight and share what worked and what didn’t so we can (hopefully) learn from their mistakes. As entrepreneurs, it’s often difficult to know […]

A practical guide to working with a virtual assistant

Delegating is difficult. As a small or medium-sized business owner, you may find it tempting to try to do everything yourself. However, not only is this not sustainable, but it’s also not the smartest way to run your business. Enter virtual assistants – a valuable resource for any small business to tap into. Anytime someone […]

2022 sales trends you need to know about

2022 sales trends

Regardless of what you’re selling, whether your product, service or time, knowing how to sell it is essential to every business. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. From finance to eCommerce, the ability to sell applies to any sector. While over one million people in the UK work in sales, we are all technically […]

Lessons in Leadership From Some of History’s Most Inspiring People


For some people, being a leader comes naturally. For others, it’s a skill learnt over time and through experience. Perhaps the best lessons in leadership are not the ones we learn from books, but rather the ones that we can learn from some of the most successful leaders the world has seen to date.   […]

The Most Common Entrepreneur Myths Debunked


There are 582 million entrepreneurs in the world. For the rest of the population that aren’t entrepreneurs, there are only films, TV shows and legends to go on. And many of these mediums have helped to build up certain mythology surrounding this career path. We have identified the top nine entrepreneur myths out there and […]

The Importance of Online Collaboration Tools and Why You Should Be Using Them


Businesses are shifting to a digital workspace. With the influx of remote employees and 1.7 million people working from home in the UK alone, it’s important to have the right online collaboration tools in place to guarantee productivity, quality, and efficiency within your team.   Online collaboration tools save time, brings convenience, and encourages growth […]

Sustainable Business Ideas: Steps Towards a Greener Future


There’s no denying that we are in the middle of an environmental crisis. The ice caps are melting, our forests are being cut down, plastic pollution is at its peak and raging fires have swept over many continents. You may think that your SME leaves little to no environmental impact, but you’re wrong. From small […]

Looking To Be A Successful Blogger? Here’s How A Virtual Assistant Can Help.


If you write content for a living, whether for your own blog or for clients, we’re here to tell you that there’s a secret weapon you can use to level up your productivity and produce more blogs. For many writers and bloggers, more content means more revenue, and with a virtual assistant for bloggers on […]

How to Hire the Right Virtual Assistant to Grow Your Business


Hiring a virtual assistant can be life-changing for your small business. Not only do they save precious time by taking care of mundane, monotonous tasks, but they also help you achieve a better work-life balance. When last did you switch off and focus on something outside of work? But the truth is that there are […]

Scale your business by taking advantage of the post-lockdown boom


The time has finally come for all industries to re-open on the 17th of May after the heavy (and long) lockdown in the UK. But your livelihood may hang in the balance, so don’t rush it. We urge you to recognise the opportunities that lie ahead. The post-lockdown boom could just be a once–in–a-lifetime opportunity to scale a business.     Consumers are desperate to get out there and spend their […]

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