Top 5 things your website needs to generate ROI

website ROI

Having a website is a fantastic way to generate leads and sell your product. However, if it’s not in tip-top shape, there’s the chance it could negatively affect your revenue. Generating a return on investment (ROI) means driving conversions. A conversion is a goal you want to achieve by having a website. If you run […]

Our Top 3 Keywords Per Industry


Keywords are powerful. Not only do they bolster your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts, but they also help the right people find you online and stay a step ahead of your competition. Using keywords in your web copy (the text on your website) – and any content you publish, such as blog posts – is […]

Our Top 3 Keywords Per Industry


Keywords are powerful. Not only do they bolster your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts, but they also help the right people find you online and stay a step ahead of your competition. Using keywords in your web copy (the text on your website) – and any content you publish, such as blog posts – is […]

Online Advertising Without Cookies- How To Future Proof Your Digital Marketing


You may have realised lately that just about every website you visit asks you for your permission to use cookies. Internet browsers like Safari and Firefox made third-party cookies a thing of the past some time ago, but in 2020, Google announced that it would be following suit with its Chrome browser making third-party cookies obsolete by […]

A Guide to Search Engine Marketing for Small Businesses


The Internet has changed, and with it, so has business. Nowadays, the way we do business no longer relies on fax machines, dedicated hours, or the infamous Yellow Pages. If anything, vital to the success of a company is the following:   Fast internet connections. A website. Social media profiles. A great SEO (search engine […]

Free Google Tools for Your Business


Part 1: Getting started   We are all familiar with the online search prowess of Google, to the extent that in the past few years, Google and ‘search’ have become interchangeable words.   Gone are the days when we ask our friends and family to search for something online when we can just ‘Google’ it. […]

Host Your First Webinar to Attract Leads


The pandemic has acted as a catalyst for rapid digitalisation. Of course, the migration to more digital spaces was always on the cards, but no one could have predicted the fast-tracked nature at which it occurred. This digital shift has meant adapting to a more remote way of doing business, marketing products differently, appealing to […]

Reopening Your Business Post-Lockdown Like a Marketing Guru


It’s been tough. But you’ve made it. This last year we all learned that being an entrepreneur means being resilient, even in the most challenging times. But now, with the lockdown starting to ease month by month, there is a glimmer of hope. Now, more than ever, it’s time to put all your efforts into reopening your business with a bang. But how do you get back on your feet ahead of the big reopening? Keep reading and we’ll share our advice on how to […]

8 Quick Tips for E-commerce Conversion Optimisation


There are millions of e-commerce businesses out there and that means you’re always competing to stand out. You might be looking at digital marketing channels, such as social media, to increase conversions. Rarely do businesses focus on the core of their marketing – the all-important website. E-commerce conversion optimisation is critical and can have a direct impact on the success of your business. What entrepreneur doesn’t want success?     So, to increase conversions on your e-commerce website, be sure to follow these 8 quick tips.      To begin, let’s get […]

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