Behind the Scenes: What Business Assistants Do for Companies
They’re a vital but often overlooked aspect of the business world – the role of virtual business assistants. In the hustle and bustle of the corporate landscape, these virtual professionals operate quietly behind the scenes, making indispensable contributions that keep organisations running smoothly. Virtual assistants handle a wide range of tasks, ensuring that everything from […]
Our top advice for small businesses from our very own virtual assistants
Virtual assistants aren’t only trained in business admin. As we’ve discussed before, virtual assistants can help with just about any task. Additionally, they usually have a rich background in a variety of industries and business arenas. This means that when you outsource to a virtual assistant, you can be perfectly matched with someone with in-depth […]
How to make outsourcing work for your business
Being an entrepreneur is no easy business. You’re responsible for an entire company and everything that comes with it. Every task, every phone call, and every penny that leaves the pot is your responsibility. The straightforward solution here would be to hire people to help you handle various aspects of your business. However, hiring in-house […]
What Is an Online Concierge Service and When Do I Need It?
When most people think of a concierge, they think of a high-end luxury hotel whose front-desk concierge service assists guests by booking tours, buying theatre or concert tickets, giving directions, offering advice and securing restaurant reservations. A concierge is someone who helps guests (or residents) arrange things like tickets, tours or gifts. Concierges have years […]
How to work with a part time personal assistant
Hiring a full time, in-house personal assistant is a job in itself. There’s the lengthy recruitment process (time and money), the office space (more money), the constant management (time and money), the annual salary (money, money) and a constant flow of work to delegate, because if you’re not delegating you’re paying for someone to sit […]
Getting Personal with your Online PA
How to make your relationship with your Online PA a Personal Relationship Establishing a personal relationship with a PA you will actually never see in the flesh may seem a bit peculiar. This post will give you some guidance as to how how it is possible to feel like your Online PA is part of […]