My Virtual PA is better than Yours

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Yes, you heard right. My virtual PA is better. Better than any travel agent, any planning co-ordinator, managing consultant, or support system.

Why? With a virtual PA, you get the whole package, and it is just one package. You do not have to look anywhere else, because all your resources form part of a beautifully packaged, highly qualified individual, sitting on the other side of the phone.

Having a virtual PA doesn’t just mean you receive assistance on simple every-day tasks like your calendar. It extends far beyond. The best part about it all? They get you. They understand your needs and wants, and they go above and beyond to see that you receive what you have asked for.

But I can’t just be saying all of this without giving myself solid back-up, right? So, let me give you a list of reasons that will sway you the virtual PA way.

Reason #1: They get you.

It’s not just about understanding the person you are working with. It’s also about whether you get along and whether you would be comfortable with them communicating on your behalf.

Let’s say you want to plan a trip and only have a small amount of time available in your busy schedule. Before anything else you go to a travel agent, correct? Surely, they know the best deals and will get you sorted in no time.

But how well do they really know you? Do they know, without having to ask, what time you prefer to fly? What seat you prefer to take? If you would like to be staying in a resort or experience a backpacker for the first time? Not quite. It would take a lot more time for them to get to know you when your trip could have been booked and ready to go with the help of a virtual assistant!

Reason #2: They have experience.

How many times have you felt uncomfortable with giving your personal information out or trusting a stranger, who, to be honest, you are not sure will give you the answers you want? They might have the experience in their field, but they do not have the experience of working with you personally.

Your virtual PA has formed a relationship with you from day one. You have both decided what works and what doesn’t and you both can share knowledge without trying to give a sales pitch. Virtual PAs have experience when it comes to working with people on a more personal level. They have had their own set of frustrations with travel and management companies, and they understand your needs and wants on a more personal level. They have the experience needed.

Reason #3: They save you money.

We all like the idea of saving money. With the help of a dedicated virtual assistant who gets to know the ins and outs of your life and perhaps your business, they will be able to find the most cost effective options for your expenses and maybe even identify some opportunity to save your company money too. With the affordable help of a virtual PA, it means you’ll have more time to do what you’re good at – saving you time on the admin side of things. At the end of the day, your time is money!

Getting your life together shouldn’t be something that you should pay enormous amounts of money for. With virtual assistance, there’s no recruitment costs, no employee-related benefits, no PAYE, no holiday pay or any other sneaky extras.

At Outsourcery you select a plan and it does what it says on the tin, starting from just £135 a month.

Reason #4: They are reliable.

Having someone you can rely on is the basis of any friendship or relationship. I’m not saying you will end up being besties with your PA, or becoming one another’s bridesmaids. (If that does happen, I’m very happy for you.) I’m saying it in a broader sense.

When you can rely on someone with things that are important to you, there is no better person than your virtual PA. Dedicated to making your life easier, a virtual PA gets the job done right, every time.

Reason #5: They have a diverse skill set.

Virtual assistants at Outsourcery are part of teams and an entire organisation. The skillsets of the PA’s that make up the team are extremely diverse, with many of the assistants coming from unique career backgrounds.

If your dedicated PA doesn’t have the know how to get a specialised task done, I can guarantee that there will be someone in the organisation that does. There is usually a community culture within any VA organisation where as a collective whole, information and skills are shared. If you have a problem, they can sort it out. If you don’t have the skills, they will figure it out.

For more specialised skills such as Graphic design, team members with the knowledge can work from the same plan as your VA.  In simple form, you have the service of a dedicated VA with access to an entire office of knowledge and skills.

Reason #6: They are dedicated.

It goes without saying that you have a dedicated, knowledgeable and irreplaceable second-hand that will be a loyal and helpful resource. You will have someone who will dedicate all the time they should make your life easier. They are there as your own fairy godmother/father to encourage you and make life seem a bit better than you may see it now.

With their dedication, you can rest easy and know that the work you need done is being completed. Having different people within each industry try and help you will be more money and less efficient. One person will forget to sort out your planner for the next day, while your trip to New York needed to be cancelled because there was an overbooking or delay. Why not have someone who will always be on hand and deal with those problems directly, without having to worry you or get you frustrated.

Reason #7: They are, in plain terms, better.

As easy as it is to say, a virtual PA is the best option you can get when it comes to having someone turn your life around. With dedication, loyalty, reliability and all-rounded knowledge, you can receive the help and support you need. And it won’t be from a stranger. You will start to form a relationship with your VA that allows you to feel comfortable enough to stress your concerns.

You’re getting the full-package without the baggage. They are there for YOU. Your time is precious to them and they will ensure that it is being spent wisely, along with your finances. Grow yourself, grow your business and have a better life. Take the best choice there is and see the difference.

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