Podcast Series: How to Record a Podcast Like a Pro

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There are hundreds, if not thousands, of podcasts that are uploaded daily. If you’re thinking of entering the podcast space, then welcome. There is space and a place for you. And hopefully, as unique as you are, so too will be the content that you churn out because that is what sets some podcasts apart from others: content. But we will discuss that further later. For now, let us explore why you want to be in the podcast space and what you need to do to record your podcasts like a pro.


Podcasts are quickly becoming all the rage with everyone and their dogs having some sort of vocalisation, one cannot help but wonder why. If stats have anything to do with it, then it is indeed mind-blowing to look at the numbers. For instance, did you know that at least 60 million US households subscribe to podcasts? The numbers don’t lie – but they don’t paint an accurate picture either. Here in the UK, we have a growing podcast subscriber list, but that list is spread across a variety of niche topics, industries, and interests. And, if you look closely enough, within your particular interest, you may find just a handful who speak to your soul.


Research and authenticity – Be you


Authenticity is hard to fake. Passion, harder still to pull off. So instead of having an automated voice service spit out your words, you may want to be the voice behind your podcast. It unfortunately does raise a few concerns. Anyone who hears a recording of themselves for the first-time experiences shock. It is natural. We do not sound as lovely as our internal voice has led us to believe. So please, do not rob the world of your vocal contribution due to a first attempt.



As unique as you are, attempt to create a name in line with this. Your topic should be one that you can speak about for hours. It helps when your passion comes through – but at the same time, research is necessary. Speaking for hours on any given topic, for some, is a skill – for others, a death sentence.


It is important to note that while there are some podcasts that are six hours in length, per episode, it is highly recommended to start small. Begin lower than the average 43-minute recording – and if you’re including ads, product promotion, etc., your episode length should include the two-thirds rule, where the adverts and product promotion do not exceed a third of your general content.


Content is key 


Treat every podcast like a story. Remember that you must have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Use story-telling tools like cliff-hangers, explosive reveals, and dramatic pauses to make your podcast exciting.


Pitch your voice according to your content – let the excitement bleed through, when necessary, express your disappointment through letting your voice break, set the stage – it is yours, so own it.




Most importantly, plan, plan, and plan some more. Having a content plan along with your content can assist you in leaving your listeners with titbits and hooks to draw them into your next episode. Having that plan helps in referencing previous episodes too, and since it is podcasting that we are talking about, the audience always has the option to go back and listen to previously uploaded recordings.


Commitment and contribution


Podcasting can be isolating – and many podcasters form interest circles, clubs, and social groups. Find people who share similar interests and invite them to contribute to some of your episodes. Of course, you should do the same and request airtime on topics you know well.




Commitment to your podcast should be without mention, however, we specifically mention it here at a starting out phase as the road to pro podcasting can be long, lonely, and difficult. You may not become an overnight sensation – such reputations take months, and even years to build. As such, commitment to your cause, your topic, your business, and your growth must be instilled deep within you early on.


The tools of the trade 


Get a good microphone




The tools that you will use to record your episodes are essential – and while you can record quite well with just your mobile device, it isn’t recommended. The quality of your podcasts will resonate with your audience long after they forget what you have said.


Research your podcast hosting platform and choose one that not just suits your budget, but your style as well. You may want a fully configurable hosting site, or a drop and drag alternative – whatever is your fancy, you must take the time to research the various options before selecting one.


Recording and editing are to podcasters what pen and paper are to writers. And while a writer can make words even in sand, the feel and fluidity of ink on a page is in a different league altogether. The recording and editing software that you will use requires consideration, research, and most of all, your experience when using it. What works for us may not necessarily work for you, so take your time here and get it right.


In conclusion 


Recording podcasts like a pro isn’t as simple as just pushing the red button and speaking to your heart’s content. It requires planning, preparation, authenticity, and passion.


If, at the end of this you feel pumped to share your thoughts, opinions, ideas, business, and overall personality with the world, then congratulations! You are now ready for the hard part.


What’s that, you may ask? Well, that is starting your own podcast.

If you’re looking to include a podcast in your marketing strategy, get in touch with us here.

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