Email marketing trends you can’t afford to miss out on

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Email marketing is by far one of the most powerful tools businesses can use to promote their brand. With an estimated ROI of 4200% and an average click-through rate of just under 11%, your business can’t afford to not use email as a marketing tactic.

Like with any marketing function in your toolkit, it’s essential that you stay abreast of the latest innovations and trends within the email marketing arena so you can ensure you’re making the most out of it. From automation, personalisation, and privacy, these are the trends to pay attention to before you set up your next email campaign.

Trend #1: Privacy and personal information

When GDPR was introduced in the UK in 2018, businesses were forced to examine how they handle their customers’ personal data. Fast forward four years and this is a focus for marketers now more than ever.

Privacy and consent now need to be at the centre of your marketing strategy to comply with the ever-changing regulations and laws. Presently, only 21% of consumers trust companies with their data which indicates that there is work to be done.

When it comes to email marketing, brands need to be transparent about how they handle their audience’s personal information and how they collect data on their email subscribers. Practical strategies include using double opt-ins and fully respecting opt-out requests.

Trend #2: Personalisation, personalisation, personalisation

A trend that touches on almost every aspect of any business’s marketing functions is personalisation. In a world where consumers are bombarded with hundreds of marketing messages every day, personalisation is what’s helping brands to stand out from the rest. Moreover, consumers are expecting communication that is personalised to their needs and interests more than ever. In fact, 80% of them are more likely to make a purchase from companies that provide personalisation in their content.

If 72% of consumers will only engage with personalised messaging, this is yet another trend you can’t ignore if you want to see email marketing success.

Personalisation extends beyond including the person’s name in your email content. Consumers aren’t going to settle for simply just seeing their first name in an email anymore. Our advice is to spend time researching your database, their pain points, and their interests. From there, you can tailor your content, offers, and promotions to what they’re looking for to encourage a better click-through rate.

Trend #3: Automation and AI 

It may not be news to you that artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are revolutionising the world as we know it. This is no different when it comes to email marketing.

AI tools allow businesses to process and segment large amounts of data to build a better understanding of their subscribers. This technology is also extremely useful when it comes to segmenting databases into smaller, like-minded audiences for the purpose of testing.

Add to that, the fact that AI and automation can be used in email drip campaigns that speak to several touchpoints over a specific period of time.

If you’re not yet on the AI and automation bandwagon, you’re missing out on a robust opportunity to further personalise your email marketing and make a bigger impact on your audience’s actions and purchasing journey.

We hope this insight into the latest email marketing trends, paired with our practical advice, will help you create email marketing magic for your brand. If you need a little help or if some of the jargon above sounds like Greek to you, we have professional email marketing specialists on hand to assist. Visit our website and let’s start your journey to email marketing success.

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