How to develop a high-impact value proposition

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A great value proposition is what makes your business and brand distinct from anything else on the market. It’s a simple one- to two-liner that sums up your business’s offering and communicates its value to your customers and potential customers. A lot rests on this little statement, which could easily make the difference between gaining and losing a customer. (No pressure!)

An effective value proposition should be specific, solution-driven, and exclusive. It’s just a few words, but crafting the ideal value proposition can be challenging. Below we share some tips to help you nail your business’s value proposition.

Step 1: Define your audience

Begin by developing a buyer persona so that you know exactly who you’re talking to. You want to speak to your customers in their language and on their terms, and in order for you to get there, you need to know who they are first.

Apart from demographics and psychographics, a key part of defining your buyer persona is including things like their pain points (the ones you’re proposing to solve), what their lifestyle looks like, and their aspirations. As you move through the process of developing your value proposition, you will find that these are vital components to consider.

Step 2: Determine your unique offering

This may be an easy step for some small businesses with a very niche or narrow product or service offering. But others may need to think strategically about where they choose to focus their business efforts.

It’s an important step in crafting a value proposition, yes, but it will prove valuable for the business in general. You can’t do one hundred things well, but your chances of doing a few things exceptionally well offer greater prospects.

In order to narrow down your offering, consider what brings in the most profit, what the business does the best, and what best answers your customers’ pain points.

Step 3: Brainstorm various iterations

Once you have solidified your buyer persona and unique offering, you can start writing down various ways to present your value proposition.

We caution against focusing on creativity over clarity. The important thing is to communicate the facts as they are but in a way that is appealing and compelling to your customer. Also, steer clear of flowery language and overly persuasive words and phrases.

Step 4: Simplify

By now, you’ll have come up with various lines as options for your value proposition. Whatever you’re left with, we cannot emphasise enough, simplify, simplify, simplify!

You want to be left with a bare-bones, straight-to-the-point value proposition. It may be hard to kill off some of the best lines you’ve come up with, but a good value proposition is nothing if not simple. This helps with customer recall and does a double job of helping you define your business’s focus areas.

We appreciate that writing your company’s value proposition is not easy, especially for those who approach creative tasks with trepidation. The good news is that you can get help with this task through the services of a virtual marketing assistant. We offer world-class quality and experience at very affordable prices, giving your small business great work at a fraction of the cost. Give your small business a boost with a free trial.

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