Top tips for your social media from our outsourced social media managers

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Social media is a powerful marketing tool for any business. With over 4.74 billion active users, this digital marketing channel allows you to reach a vast audience, generate brand awareness, and even turn leads into sales.

Of course, like with any marketing activity, social media requires time and commitment to get it right. With the help of our very own outsourced social media managers, we’ve put together some top tips to help you do social media marketing the right way and get the results you deserve.

Always start with a strategy

Any form of marketing without a strategy is the quickest way to waste time and resources, as you won’t have much direction.

Even if you’re not a social media strategist yourself, having a plan in place can help you elevate your social media activities.

You need to decide which platforms you will be active on, how often you will post, what you will post, and what your content will look like.

Without establishing these guidelines from the start, you will be left aimlessly muddling your way through social media marketing.

Pro tip: An outsourced social media manager can help you develop a comprehensive strategy that leverages every aspect of social platforms to your advantage.

Choose the right platform

It’s worth noting that being active on every single social media platform isn’t necessary for your business. Instead, our outsourced social media managers recommend choosing one to three specific platforms that suit your business best and maximising them.

If your audience is business-to-business (B2B), platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter are best suited to your brand. This is because the audience you’ll find on these platforms is more likely to be interested in what you have on offer.

Moreover, if your target audience is business-to-customer (B2C) orientated, platforms like Facebook and Instagram are the best channels for your business, as this is where consumers spend their time shopping for products and services.

Pro tip: Do some research on the age groups and other demographics that are typically found on each social media platform so that you can target them exactly where they are.

Balance promotion and education

It’s tempting to make each one of your social media posts promotional. In other words, you may want to do nothing but sell your products or services on these platforms. However, according to our outsourced social media managers, this is the quickest way for consumers to lose interest in your brand.

Nobody wants to be constantly sold to, and there are so many other types of content that you can publish to keep your brand top-of-mind.

You should try to find a balance between promotional, informative, educational, inspiring, and engaging content.

There’s nothing wrong with promoting your offer on social media, just don’t do it with every post.

Pro tip: Publish one promotional post per week. Ensure the rest of your posts fall into other content categories.

If you’re interested in boosting your social media marketing efforts with the help of an outsourced social media manager, visit our website to speak to a consultant. We’d love to learn more about your business and how we can assist.

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