Digital marketing tips for small business owners

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Few things are more exciting and scary in equal measure than starting a new small business. You’ve got your idea, your product, and all the energy and optimism that comes with fresh starts. But when it comes to this entrepreneurship life, the to-do list is always in motion. One vital item on that to-do list is gaining and executing as many digital marketing tips as you possibly can.

Here we share a few of the key digital marketing tips for small businesses to ensure success.

Identify and get to know your audience

This is the be-all and end-all before you start any of your marketing efforts. Small businesses thrive in niche areas. So you need to be aware of the nuances that define your particular audience so that you can communicate in a way that is relevant and appealing.

Get an intimate understanding of their needs, preferences, behaviours, and what makes them tick. Creating a buyer persona will be a useful exercise here. A buyer persona is the ideal person you want to be marketing to, and to gain as a customer.

Define your brand voice and identity

There is a lot of clutter out there, and the only way to cut through that and stand out, is to craft your brand in a way that is unique and expressly your own. Your brand’s voice will largely be informed by the kind of audience you’re targeting, but the fundamentals of your business should also be taken into account.

Your company’s value proposition will also define your brand identity. What sets you apart from the competition? Again, this needs to be clearly communicated through the brand’s presence.

Streamline your platforms and messaging

This is one of the online marketing tips that really needs to sink in for small business owners. You don’t need to be everywhere, all the time. Instead of using a ‘spray and pray’ approach, rather take time to assess where your audience is playing, and then tailor your messaging accordingly. 

Subscribing to the quality-over-quantity approach is always a good idea, and it’s no different when assessing which platforms to focus on. For example, some small businesses can sustain their marketing efforts exclusively on Instagram, while others need to build websites and expand onto other platforms. It all depends on your unique audience and business needs.

You may be winging it, and so this could get a bit too much on top of everything you already need to see to as a small business owner. If that sounds like you, you’ll be relieved to hear that you can outsource your business’s digital marketing efforts to an efficient, remote virtual marketing assistant or an outsourced social media manager.

At AVirtual, we have access to a team of experts in digital marketing, social media, web design, and much more, all through a tailored, flexible and affordable plan. Get in touch for a free consultation.

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