6 Tips For Creating The Perfect Blog Post

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“The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful.” – Ron Dawson.

To write a successful blog, it needs to be written with the purpose of accomplishing something, not just for the sake of writing content.

You need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • How will it benefit your audience?
  • How will it benefit you or your business?

Once these questions have been answered, the blogging begins.

Due to the importance of blog writing, we have compiled a list of 6 tips that will help you produce the perfect blog:


1.      The Title Has to Be Captivating

Did you know that for every 5 people that read the title of your blog, only one reads the rest of the copy?

Well, that’s what David Ogilvy said, and who are we to argue with the ‘father of advertising’?

Your title needs to meet certain criteria to encourage your audience to read the full copy of your blog post, which includes:

  • Relevant and simple.
  • Keyword Focused.
  • Creative and ‘eye-capturing’.
  • Informative.

If it meets the criteria above, the chances of your audience reading more than just your title increase significantly. Spend some time on the title, because there’s no point in writing the perfect story if no one ever gets past the headline.


2.      Include Media


Do you think your writing ability is enticing enough to keep your readers reading without using images? You’re wrong. It’s as simple as that.

Adding images and videos to blogs are almost as important as the title, and here’s why:

  • It breaks up the text.
  • Online users prefer media to text.
  • It keeps the blog interesting.

In some cases, media is not imperative for a blog to be readable. We know that. However, in most cases, your blog will perform better with images than without them.


3.      Proper Punctuation

You know those symbols that you were taught about at school that include commas, full stops, and colons? Good, use them. Please.


  • It shows readers that you can write.
  • It separates text, making your blog more reader-friendly.

On the other hand, if you are not capable of using punctuation properly, keep your sentences short. It lets you avoid making mistakes with regards to flow and increases your readers’ chances of better understanding what you are writing about.


4.      Needs to Be Keyword Relevant


To begin, keywords are the single most important aspect of SEO in terms of the content that you produce.

Why? Let’s tell you:

  • They are the ideas and topics that define your content.
  • They are the words and phrases that act as ‘search queries’ in search engines.

When constructing your blog post, you need to have keywords in mind as it helps your blog rank in Google, which increases its chances of being seen.


5.      Bucket Brigading Is More Important Than You Think

“What is bucket brigading?” Yes, we can see you asking yourself that question.

Put simply, it involves using words and phrases in the text that adds a conversational element to it. This is important as your readers will feel like they are engaging with the content and will keep reading as a result.

For more information on bucket brigading, Website Copywriting Services gives you a great description and some awesome examples of what it’s all about.


6.      Simple and To the Point


What would you rather read? A piece of writing that is long, vaguely worded and takes time to understand what it’s all about or a one that is short, simple, and gives you all the information you need in as few words as possible?

Online users are looking for quick access to information, instant gratification.

As a result, keep your blogs short, to the point, while including as much relevant information as possible.


To conclude, constructing the perfect blog post can go a long way to increasing your ranking on Google and helping with the visibility of your website. If this is something that you would like some help with, we have a team of copywriting experts that will create content for you that will blow your audiences’ minds.

Head over to our website for more information.

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