6 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Marketing

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When you’re running a small business, time is often not on your side, and creating a robust marketing strategy for your business, takes a lot of that time and requires experience. Often, initial marketing strategies are created in-house to minimise costs, but business owners will soon realise that this is a cumbersome exercise.

Hiring a team of marketing experts in-house is a costly affair. Most companies don’t have data-driven marketing expertise in-house, meaning they have to either hire and train an in-house team which costs money and uses the one commodity that is invaluable – time. It is therefore important for businesses to consider outsourcing marketing, and here are 5 reasons why:


When you outsource, you do not have to spend hours finding the perfect media expert candidates to hire. You won’t need to spend further hours and resources on onboarding and training either.  An outsourced expert marketing team should be ready to hit the ground running so that they can jump into creating the perfect strategy for your business immediately.

Outsourcing also means your marketing will never be halted due to staff leave /illness. There will be a team of marketing experts on hand 24/7 throughout the year to ensure that content is always delivered.

Show Me the Money

Outsourcing marketing teams has become extremely popular in small businesses/ start-ups because agency costs are much lower than a 1:1 consultant’s fee. Unlike a consultant, marketing agencies would normally not charge for software, as this would already be covered by the agency itself.

Unlike each of your employees who have salaries, you will be paying a team of marketing experts as a whole. They will research, create and implement marketing strategies for you, which will be a huge cost saving, that will, in turn, increase your bottom line profit.

You can count on ongoing optimization through an outsourced marketing team because they are contracted to consistently prove ROI by delivering on proposed goals. If they do not deliver, you will be looking for a new team who will! Outsourcing your marketing means there’s less risk of stagnation or neglect, as an outsourced team knows the competition is fierce.

Thinking Outside the Box

Outsourcing your marketing allows for new perspectives to come into play.  An external team won’t get involved in office politics, they won’t get sucked into opinions or egos.  They see and do things differently and will always provide an uncensored and honest perspective.

Your Free Marketing Tool-Box

Having your own in-house marketing team means you would need to spend money investing in a myriad of marketing tools in order to get the job done. By having a data-centric outsourced marketing team already in place, means you automatically benefit from the “tried & tested” tools they have. This will, in turn, alleviate the stress of selecting the best tools for your business and will save you time and money!

Less is More

By outsourcing marketing, you will have less involvement in the day to day running of things on the digital marketing front. There are so many different areas in this space that needs day-to-day attention which take up an enormous amount of time and management. Things such as PPC (pay-per-click campaigns), email marketing, social media campaigns, design, and copywriting for example. With outsourcing these to expert teams, you can have all of these specialised services being managed in one place whilst you focus on running your core business.

It’s Time to Build Your Empire

By outsourcing your marketing, you can spend your valuable time focusing on your business. With an expert marketing agency by your side, strategies will be created, planned out, developed and executed based on the end-goals. This then means that you can focus on running your business and building your empire.

Running your own business is a 24-hour job, and so where possible to ensure ROI and growth, it is important to find ways to minimise costs and stress where possible. With outsourcing, you will be in a position to reallocate internal resources where they are most needed, while the marketing agency can get on with things. This will ensure that you and your team can keep moving onwards and upwards.

At PrimePixels, we offer services that cover website builds, SEO, PPC, and social media to all-inclusive digital marketing packages, we truly understand the SME landscape. We understand that results are important, devoting a huge chunk of your budget to what drives you the most leads.

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