Are you Dangerously Addicted to Multi-Tasking?
Our brains are more hyperactive than ever before. So fast is the speed at which we are demanded to operate that we start doubling up our focus; brushing teeth whilst answering emails, driving the kids to school whilst on a conference call, reading the news whilst on a cross trainer, thinking about strategies whilst eating […]
Why Prioritising is Everything
We all want to be more productive, to further our careers and grow our companies, whilst still being a good parent, friend, sister or brother, but there’s always too much to do and never enough time. The more our to-do lists lengthen, the more we feel out of control and disappointed by our lack […]
Could you Boost Productivity by Cutting Staff Hours?
If you’ve been around me longer than five minutes you know I’m passionate about productivity. There are all sorts of ways businesses have attempted to improve it – from bean bags to micromanagement, wellness programmes to simply spying! I think business owners are missing a trick. In my experience, giving employees more flexibility when it […]
Would I really be more productive with a PA?
The role of a personal assistant can really vary from client to client. Whether they’re acting as your personal shopper, reminding you about birthdays, booking travel, researching, bookkeeping or helping to keep your diary and inbox in check, a PA should leave you with time and headspace to do what you do best. In the […]
The best perk for your employees happiness and productivity
More and more companies are offering employees cool perks as a way of attracting and retaining talented individuals. And what better perk than a personal PA to handle all of the administrative tasks that eat into the working day? For your employee that means less stress and more time to properly put their skills to […]
Yes, You Can and SHOULD Grow a Business Using Virtual Employees
I recently had lunch with a friend who is still struggling to hire a new employee. He’d finally extended an offer to a candidate, after a month of research, interviews and a trial, only to be turned down by the candidate. She had received a better offer elsewhere. Naturally I asked him why not go […]
Top Ten most Useful Tools for Start Ups and SME’s in the UK
Corkscrew, an EU funded start up school recently published a list of the Top Ten most Useful Tools for Start Ups and SME’s in the UK There are some amazing tools in here and we at Outsourcery are proud to be one of them. Have a read and if you have any more please send […]
How to get the most out of your Outsourcery Online Personal Assistant
This blog post is a summary of a PDF we send to all our new clients on how they can get the most value from their online PA. It contains some great tips and best practices for working with a virtual PA. Establishing and growing the relationship Your virtual PA is your […]
Interview with Neil Finnie, Founder of Corkscrew
Interview with Neil Finnie, Founder of Corkscrew , Exeter, United Kingdom 1. Tell us a bit about yourself I love helping young people realize their potential and I love the startup world so founding an organization that combines both these things was a dream for me. Corkscrew is funded by the EU and […]
Great Lifestyle Tools for UK Entrepreneurs
The greatest commodity an entrepreneur can have, besides money, is time. But because an entrepreneur is, well, an entrepreneur, naturally the personal life is first to go. Usually exercise is cut out first, followed by pretty much everything else including friends, family and any outside interests. Despite the drastic cuts, there still doesn’t seem to […]