Our top advice for small businesses from our very own virtual assistants

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Virtual assistants aren’t only trained in business admin. As we’ve discussed before, virtual assistants can help with just about any task. Additionally, they usually have a rich background in a variety of industries and business arenas. This means that when you outsource to a virtual assistant, you can be perfectly matched with someone with in-depth knowledge and expertise regarding your specific needs.

At Outsourcery, we are home to a large team of virtual assistants with varying backgrounds. Many of them are experienced in working with small- to medium-sized business owners. We sat down with a few of them to ask what advice they have for entrepreneurs and business owners just like you.

Always aim to create a positive experience

One of our skilled virtual assistants, Tanya Barnard, who has a background in the property industry and office management, says the best advice she can give to business owners is to deliver unforgettable experiences to your customers.

She says you can do this by maintaining a positive attitude, responding quickly and effectively to customer queries and complaints, and actively listing to your customers.

Creating a positive experience for your customers is a sure-fire way to have them return to you time and time again.

Build to grow

When asked what her top advice for entrepreneurs would be, Jade Anne Nel, who has a background in operations and training within the NPO/NGO space, explained that business owners need to think carefully about growth.

“Think about where you want to be and make sure the seemingly small decisions you make will positively impact a growth spurt within your business,” she says. “I have seen several businesses take off but struggle to maintain the quality they had when they were smaller.”

Sarah Rade, one of our virtual assistants who has a legal background, echoes this in saying that it’s important to be realistic about your budgets and timelines when it comes to growth and producing results.

Document everything

The more you can document your business, the better. This is something that Jade Anne believes is key to business success. Document your processes, save your documents in a single access area, and get help with doing this where needed. “The more you have documented about your business, the easier it is to get others on the same page,” she says.

Delegate as much as you can

Delegation is the key to success as an entrepreneur or small- to medium-sized enterprise (SME) owner. “This might mean outsourcing to people who have more knowledge on certain aspects of your business,” Sarah advises.

“Never, ever be afraid to ask for help,” says Atrayah Janhe, one of our virtual assistants who says her most auspicious experience was working as a personal assistant to Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Wherever possible, identify the aspects of your business that others can help with and outsource those. In fact, outsourcing is often more cost-effective and efficient than hiring in-house or trying to do it all yourself.

Cut back on the negative

While not everything about your business will always be great, it’s important to avoid negativity wherever you can. “Reduce exposure to unsolicited negative feedback from those who consciously – or subconsciously – dampen your resolve through their language and actions,” Atrayah says.

Spend time with successful entrepreneurs

Don’t just read self-help or business-related non-fiction by successful entrepreneurs, surround yourself with them too.

“Align with business owners who have journeyed the entrepreneurial path toward success and are not afraid of giving constructive feedback when asked,” Atrayah says.

Tapping into your network is an effective way to learn and thrive as a business owner. “Reach out to your network and let them help you where they can,” Sarah shares.

Navigate change by believing in your vision

As Sarah explains, it’s important not to fear change. It’s somewhat of a given as a business evolves, and often, you need to be the driver of that change yourself, even if it’s just a small tweak or a slight shift in your direction, she says.

And, as Atrayah mentions: “You are the key to the evolution of your business. Trust in your vision. Believe in yourself.”

Now that you’ve heard our top advice from our team, why not get in touch with us to learn more about outsourcing and delegating to our virtual assistants? Visit our website and book a free consultation to discover how our experienced virtual assistants can help you take your business to new heights.

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